Resources to Identify, Approach and Refer Students Who May be At Risk for Safety

Click here to access Dr. Jessalyn Klein, UNC Charlotte’s Suicide Prevention Coordinator, presentation: The Role of Faculty and Staff in Responding to Students in Distress

Here is the link to both Kognito trainings (simply select the course in which you’d like to enroll):
Faculty and staff are encouraged to use this interactive online training simulation to help them learn to identify, approach and refer students who may be at risk for safety and other concerns.

Enrollment Key for Faculty/Staff: uncc89
NOTE: This key is the same for the general and LGBTQ-specific faculty/staff trainings.

Enrollment Key for Students: unccharlotte
Faculty are encouraged to assign the Student Module as a homework or extra credit assignment for classes.

A guide for faculty who want to facilitate classroom discussion with students after they’ve completed the module.

If you would like to participate in a QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer) Training Workshop, please contact Erica Lennon